Model HPS is a unique, fully-welded all-stainless-steel single-point (moment insensitive) load cell.
The product is suitable for low capacity platform scales, multi-head packaging machines, check weighers, loss-in-weight feeders, belt scales, and general process
weighing applications.
The unique construction ensures that this product can be used successfully in demanding environments found in the food, chemical, and allied industries.
The product meets the stringent Weights and Measures requirements throughout Europe.
• Capacities: 6–60 kg
• Fully-welded, stainless-steel construction
• Hermetically sealed, IP66 and IP68
• Certified to OIML R-60, 3000d
• Comprehensive mounting hole facility
• Moment insensitive, platform size to 350 x 350 mm
• Optional
- FM Approved, ATEX and UKCA certified versions for
use in potentially-explosive atmospheres
- IP69K full hermetic construction with true
glass-to-metal seal
• Food platforms
• Process weighing
• Multi-head packaging machines
• Marine hybrid scales